No ones probably going to read this anyway, but I seriously hope I'm wrong.
I'm looking for a singer that can provide his own equipment.
You don't even need to be that good, just the ability to keep a steady voice and know how to keep to the beat.
And the equipment I'm talking about is simply just a microphone that doesn't let in too much background noise and any program that can record and make the file into a MP3 formatted sound file.
What I want to do, is make more of my tunes, but make them better by inserting self-recorded lyrics. It'd be good if you could write the lyrics, because I don't like writing things for other people. But, anyhow, I just wish to collab with you, and possibly do more than one track.
Let's make some music, biatch!
PM me if you're interested.
Nick L.
Well I can't help ya (sorry >_<!), but I just borrowed someone's laptop to check the AP out, and I randomly clicked on your newest song, which I love!
I was looking for stuff to listen to, but also to include in one of my next games, and it seemed to sound more perfect every 10 seconds when it changed :P.
I'm currently checking out your other work, but if I get my computer back (and if you're interested), I might ask if you're interested in making any new music for this game of mine.
See ya around :)!
It would be great to do a track or two for your work.
Plus, it would give me more of a challenge, than making random songs which I've been doing.
I'm paranoid that you won't read this, so I'll drop you a PM.