I liked it. I hope that the full release will be as promising as the demo shows it to be.
- It's 'eternal', not 'enternal'; in regards of the introduction
- I think that this game is good as a RPG. Hack and slash gets a tad boring, so a RPG allows some actual thinking into the game. Which is good.
- The tiles could be done a tad nicer. But nothing really an issue there.
- I don't know if this is an issue, but when a character moves, when it moves to its destination tile, it seems to lag a bit. Not really an issue, but seems odd to me.
- I haven't really looked for it, but if there was an option to skip the animation that goes with the attacks, that would be good. It's awesome to watch the attack once, but with the repeating music in the background, waiting for an attack to finish (even though an attack takes very little time), annoys me.
Yeah, that's all.
Better than what I can do, so I don't have a right to complain anyway.
Still liked it tons. I wait for the full release. :)